Academia lags miles behind the fast-paced modern life. It’s part of the charm, really. Dusty library books, obscure university traditions, classic architecture with dark echoing halls, preppy outfits, and timeless values. However, it also means your achievements are sometimes measured the old-school way, aka by requiring you to write copious manuscripts for every subject – even for the most hands-on and practical ones. Which is often a waste of time, let’s be honest.

That makes many students seek some alternative way of tackling this busywork. The most popular one is buying essays online. If you think about going that way to optimize your routine but worry about legality, safety, and other practical aspects of the solution, this guide is for you.
Is It Legal to Buy an Essay Online?
Ghostwriters, copywriters, digital artists, and video content creators sell their work all the time – and buyers use these works at their own discretion. You can hire someone to write you a public speech, a chapter for your book, or a sample essay – there is no difference from the legal point of view. So yes, it is legal. And no, there won’t be a squad at your door shouting, “FBI, open up!” because they’ve traced an essay purchase to your IP address.
That said, I cannot claim that it all will be absolutely okay with your school, should they find out. You see, buying academic papers is rather an ethical issue, not a legal one. Honor and integrity are key values found in the moral code of many universities. As a student, you should abide by the code of your school. If you breach it, you compromise your reputation. The punishment for that can be anything from a sharp, privately issued reprimand from your instructor to expulsion from the college. However, there is one big “if” in this. If they find out and can prove beyond reasonable doubt that you didn’t write a particular paper yourself but decided instead to buy college essay and submit it as yours.
Here are a few simple things you can do to prevent this misfortune from ever happening to you when you buy essay online:
- Make sure you don’t divulge any personal details
No self-respecting service will ask you to, for that matter. An active email as login and details necessary for processing payment – that’s it. Moreover, they will offer all assurances of anonymity and security. If they ask you specifically for your school-issued email, instructor’s name, course code, etc. – run like hell. These guys are up to no good.
- Demand plagiarism check and originality guarantee
Choose a service that guarantees plagiarism-free text. Require the check additionally if it isn’t included in the standard package. You are paying for this, so you are entitled to original work. Otherwise, you might find yourself in hot water when the paper you hand in returns an “80% plagiarized” score.
- Don’t submit the paper as yours without your input
That’s a bit counter-intuitive. That’s why you buy custom essays, isn’t it? Well, yes and no. Use the sample you receive as a basis for your paper, but make sure you add your own thoughts and make the style distinctly yours. Also, remove anything that doesn’t sound like you. For instance, jargonisms that you don’t understand and wouldn’t be able to explain should your instructor try to test your knowledge.
- Make sure the file doesn’t contain any suspicious details
If the situation is desperate and you must submit the paper as is, otherwise you will miss the deadline, fail the class, will be expelled, the curse will come upon you, etc. – at least make some surface check. Get rid of placeholders like “Name Surname” or “Put the name of the class here” on the title page, and make sure everything is labeled and formatted as it should be.
- Don’t broadcast the fact to the whole student body
Even the most urban, dynamic, and vibrant campus is a very tight-knit community, so rumors spread like wildfire. Don’t boast about buying papers – these things get around and might end up somewhere you don’t want them to be heard. If you need to recommend a service to a peer you trust, do it discretely, as in “If you struggle with that essay for Monday, you might want to check out this guide.”
Is It Possible to Buy Cheap Essay of Good Quality?
Being a student, you are probably used to economizing, so you might be tempted to buy essay cheap and fast from services with the most lucrative price per page. However, I recommend shopping around and comparing the conditions, service ranges, and guarantees. Read reviews and recommendations, ask around on Q&A forums.
If you need something affordable and reliable at the same time, start with PaperHelp. This essay writing service is the most balanced option that offers great value for your money. Some of the features you might like include:
- Four academic levels to choose from
- Deadlines protected with a money-back guarantee
- Full customizability
- Intuitive interface and easy ordering process
- Free revisions in case the essay needs any corrections
- Data encryption for extra safety
- 24/7 live support via multiple channels
- Direct communication with your writer
- A loyalty program allowing you to save significantly
Learn more about the service in this PaperHelp review.
Suppose you want to browse some samples and pick your essay writer online by style and qualification yourself. In that case, WowEssays should be your first choice. The most remarkable feature of this website is the sample library that contains examples of work created by staff writers. If you like a particular essay, you can request the writer who made it to be assigned to your order! Other valuable features include:
- Choice of expert’s level
- Direct line to your expert
- Plagiarism check and an option to request a plagiarism report
- Lots of free stuff (essay samples, editing tools, how-to guides, spellcheckers, topic generator, etc.)
- Straightforward ordering process
- Reinforced protection of personal and financial data
- Fair money-back policy
- Same-day urgent orders
- Coupons and freebies for first-time customers
Read this WowEssays review for more details.
These services fit the “affordable but good” criterion we’ve set at the beginning of this section. Note that they might not necessarily be the cheapest you can find if you scour the web long enough. Still, they maintain modest prices while offering excellent writing quality, service, and guarantees. Overall, any of the two probably provide the best value for your money than other available alternatives.
What if I Want to Buy Essays Now?
“All this custom writing is well and good, but what if I need my essay ready today?” Not to worry! Most services offer same-day delivery, and the two mentioned above – PaperHelp and WowEssays – both take on assignments with a minimum deadline of three hours. You’ve read that right: they will write an original essay from scratch and deliver it to you within three hours. Not literally the last-minute solution, but close enough.
If you were thinking more along the lines of buying a ready-made essay, this is not the wisest choice, no matter how pressing this assignment is. I have an extensive experience in this niche, and I am still to see a genuine review praising a service that sells pre-written papers. Why? Because with ready-made pieces, you have all kinds of risks:
- no guarantee the essay wasn’t submitted earlier
- no guarantee it won’t be sold again
- no possibility of revision if it turns out to be subpar
However, even if we talk about the rare cases of good quality writing and strict no-recycle policies, there are still issues that make premade papers suboptimal. The lack of customizability means there is no possible way to match all the parameters to your assignment. Even if the topic looks close enough, the slant of the essay, its length, sources used, citing format, and other details might be completely off. Each assignment is unique, so predicting it and writing it beforehand is nearly impossible.
That’s why I would still recommend using custom-writing services when you need a quick fix to meet your urgent deadline.
The Bottom Line
The online essay writing market is vast and largely unregulated. Still, with a bit of research, you must be able to find a reliable service that keeps up with your deadlines, provides essays of excellent educational value, and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Always ask for security, guarantees, and plagiarism check, give preference to custom-writing over pre-written papers and make sure you don’t advertise the help you get online all over the campus.